Sunday, September 17, 2006

can you feel it?

first off, I know I've not been posting as much as I should *chuckle*, I try to 'moderate' messages to prevent so many of them from scrolling off - but for those who'll want to, they'll read the others.

what I'm referring to in the title is, the year is starting to come to a close. It doesn't feel that we've been through 8 and a half months and yet...

soon the weather will start to get cooler, the nights longer.... Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here sooner than we all realize... (and my birthday will hit soon too... :D )

and soon after that, the new year will be upon us - what will it bring or hold in store for us? Who knows - but best to imagine what we would like to happen next year before this year is out - for soon, next year will be already here. :)

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