Monday, July 10, 2006

What, me - worry?

This is just a little memo for my friends... you know who you are. *grin*

Yeah, one could call me a 'worry wart' quite often - especially when it comes to friends who live a long ways away and can't get in touch with via phone - and double especially when it comes to periods of bad weather.

For my friends in the North east - a couple weeks ago now - there was a period of very bad rains and flooding. I would hear on the news and read online where people were washed away out of their vehicles - where a section of an interstate in NY was washed out and 2 semi drivers died when their rigs plunged into that sinkhole on the interstate... I mean to SWALLOW 2 SEMIS?! That's one huge hole! So sure, when I don't hear back I tend to worry - with reports of that and people missing?

Then there's my friends south of me - when bad rains pass through that area - especially one who I know is afraid of lightning and storms.... I don't fear storms or lightning or such... what I guess bothers me is the feeling of helplessness of just having to sit and do nothing until I hear back from them and can only wait.

I know many of my friends probably get tired of me worrying about them... but it's how I am.. I care about my friends greatly....

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