Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"If I had a million dollars...."

catchy song... but here's a question for you - supposing you just won the state (or multi-state) lottery and after taxes were taken out, you ended up with say $10 mil (I like round numbers. :) )

what would you do with it? and be honest.... :)

since I asked it, I'll give you my honest answer...

I'd set some money aside in the bank (savings account to draw interest, checking account to pay bills).. maybe ... $2 mil ($1 mil in each) - leaves $8 mil
$1 mil to my parents - for they took care of me
$750,000 to my sister and her family and $750,000 to my eldest nephew and his wife
(leaves $5.5 mil)
provided I can find them - to 4 of the dearest friends I could ever ask for: Tammi, Helia, Tiff and Carol... $500,000 each (leaves $3.5 mil)

say about $500,000 for a dream home someplace (not sure where exactly.. :) ) (leaves $3 mil)
maybe a few various charities (would leave about $1 mil or so).. not sure what I'd do with that.. maybe put that in the bank as well... or... hmm.. ah... put it in a savings account so that if I ever have kids, it'll go to them - maybe a college fund or something.

but could possibly live off the interest alone for a year (from the bank of my savings acct) - I don't spend wildly - so I could choose if I wish to keep my present job or leave it. :)


Helia A Melonowski said...

500k? Nice. I could do a WHOLE LOT OF SHOPPING. :) Maybe also buy a inpexpensive little condo down in Jacksonville FLA. :) With a hot tub. :)

Tigarr said...

yep... and best thing is.. they're building some new ones downtown right along the river that splits the 2 sides (north bank and south bank) :)